i will not take these things for granted

thoughts on this and that in an attempt to live reflectively

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Location: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Room to Grow

I’m realizing these days how much more I have to learn about living. Having grown up in a legalistic religious tradition, life has been focused on what not to do and what not to be. Don’t drink, don’t cuss, don't lie, don’t have premarital sex, don’t be a mean person; and if you don’t do these things you’ll be a good person.

But maybe focusing on the don’ts leads to a passive lifestyle, which makes it hard to get much good done. Because, if you do something—if you actually assert yourself and take a risk—you might make a mistake, you might fall short, you might make a fool of yourself, and that would be the end of the world, right?

Yes, the don’ts are important; I’m not saying they’re not. But I don’t think that’s the full picture. I mean, Jesus wasn’t the Savior of the world—and he wasn’t the ultimate human—because of what he didn’t do, but because of what he did do.

He welcomed, he healed, he fed, he served, he showed compassion, he spoke the truth, he outwitted his opposition, he challenged injustice, he gave of himself—all with a gleam in his eye and ears attuned to his Father’s voice. God’s Kingdom came near in loving, bold, sacrificial living. Life to the full. Grace and truth embodied.

I’ve conquered a lot of the don’ts, but I still have a lot of the do’s to get down. I haven’t committed many of the big transgressions, but I have omitted a lot of virtuous actions. I want to be like you, Jesus. Make me bold.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's posts like this that lead me to check your blog frequently. My "transformation" or "growth" into a missional mindset has done nothing but lead me from one point to another. As I learn to give of myself in the way we are called to do (which has been the biggest struggle) I have heard God speak more than ever before. And everytime he speaks to me through you or any other of the countless people I have come in contact with, the struggle to be more like Jesus becomes less of a struggle and more of a blessing!

9:02 PM  

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